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Grand Jury Summons

Jury Duty

Grand Juries

Grand juries are generally composed of 6 to 12 people, just like a trial jury. However, when a federal grand jury is called, 16 to 23 people may be required. Grand juries do not have to be unanimous to issue an indictment. Depending on the jurisdiction, two-thirds or three-quarters of the individual jurors must agree.

Types of Juries in the United States

There are two types of juries serving different functions in the federal trial courts:

  • Grand juries: Determine whether there is probable cause to believe a person has committed a crime and should stand trial.
  • Trial juries: Decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty of the charges against them.

Informing the Grand Jury of Available Evidence

The practice of bringing all subpoenaed documents before the grand jury varies among jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, the prosecutor presents only the evidence that supports the charges against the defendant. In other jurisdictions, the prosecutor must present all of the evidence, both inculpatory and exculpatory, to the grand jury.

Payment and Instructions

Jurors are typically paid a per diem for their service. The amount of compensation varies depending on the jurisdiction. Jurors will receive further instructions on when and how they will be paid at the start of their service.
